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WEST DIVISION ------- This is the site for all the news and results from the West Division of the Scottish Veteran Ladies' Golf Association Captain: May Hughes, Vice-Captain: Lesley Lloyd, Past Captain: Chris Fowler, Secretary: Janette McCartney, Treasurer: Jan Macnab, Committee: Gillian McGinlay, Fiona Cameron
Friday, December 24, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Request from Colin Farquharson, Tournament Director of the 2011 Morocco Golf Festival, to be played over five courses in the Marrakech area from October 8 to 15. We had only four Scots in a total entry of 47 for the inaugural Morocco Golf Festival last October. I would like to see many more from Scotland participating in the 2nd Festival and, to that end, I would be very grateful if you could print off THIS POSTER and display it on your club's men's and women's noticeboards. Thank you in anticipation. COLIN FARQUHARSON Editor Telephone 01224 869782 |
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The 2010 West Vets AGM Minutes -- On Line
Thursday, November 04, 2010
West Vets AGM 2010
Fiona Rogers (Ranfurly Castle) was appointed Captain of the West Vets taking over from Helen Faulds (Douglas Park)
When appointed to office -- Fiona then gave her speech:
They say the older you get, the faster times goes by. For a long time I always thought that was such a daft thing to say. I now believe it is absolutely true. I stand here as your new captain of the west division of the slvga, my two years as vice captain having passed in the blink of an eye, following in the footsteps of many excellent captains and hope that I can maintain their high standards.
It is also nice to know that over the last few years I have got to know many of the vets in the other divisions in scotland, and I am so glad that Emma Wilson, Midlands captain and Noreen Fenton, East captain - both areas we have our matches against - I would like to think of as ‘chums’. It brings the divisions closer and we can compare notes and feed off each other.
Helen, you have completed your 2 years of captaincy and have put a lot of time and effort into making sure that our vet’s west division has run smoothly and efficiently, and on behalf of us all, thank you for always doing this with a smile on your face. A job well done.
I have enjoyed working with you and have been treated to lunches and coffees while we have attended to ‘affairs of state.’ you have always been in control of situations even on the very few times that problems may have arisen. I am delighted that you are remaining on committee for the incoming year and I will welcome your help and advice at any time.
I would lastly like to say how well Helen has represented the west division as part of many seniors and vets teams over a number of years. winning the west vet’s championship on several occasions, going on to Blairgowrie to battle for Scottish Vet’s Champion unfortunately eluding her so far. Helen has played in several scottish vet’s teams at the annual jamboree and for the scottish team against Ireland for the Mary Mckenna trophy. A very impressive vets golfer’s cv. May I wish her success in her new role as Vice Captain of the Scottish Vet’s Team currently captained by Pam Williamson.
Election of office bearers for the coming season
I have great pleasure in proposing, as my Vice-Captain - Anna Telfer
With our current life styles it is never easy to persuade people to take on extra commitments, and I was so pleased when I asked Anna some months ago to be my vice captain, that she accepted. I telephoned her earlier this week to up date her on one or two things, and when she heard my voice, she asked me if I was just phoning to make sure that she was still happy to take up her position!!!
I know in Anna, a past club captain at Milngavie and a D & A County Captain, I have a wealth of knowledge backing me up. Not only that but Anna is always to the fore on the golf course, setting herself high standards and achieving them. I am in fact sandwitched between exceptionally good golfers - Helen and Anna - we have spent many fun times away playing in seniors events both home and abroad.
Anna doesn’t have to many free hours in her days, with golf, bridge, grandchildren and many other interests but I know that she will be a great asset to the west division of the SVLGA and I look forward to working with her over the next 2 years.
To the rest of the committee:
Helen: as Past Captain remains on committee for one more year.
I would like to propose that Ruth Henderson ( Williamwood) and Sheila Shaw (Lochwinnoch), as secretary and treasurer, having both agreed, continue in their positions.
Maureen Mitchell took Sheila’s position on committee when Sheila became treasurer, and as Helen has said, she now stands down after 2 years on committee. Janice Paterson (Drumpellier) and Moira Camerson (Whitecraigs) also stand down after 2 years. We feel, as a committee, that we do not require to have more than 6 members of committe and hope you will support our decision not to replace those standing down. It may not prove successful, in which case we would reconsider our decision next year, but the following people will be your committee for 2011:
Myself as Captain
Vice-Captain: Anna (Milngavie)
Past Captain: Helen (Douglas Park) for 1 year
Secretary: Ruth Henderson (Williamwood)
Treasuruer: Sheila Shaw (Lochwinnoch)
and Committee Member: Jinty Halley (Dougls Park)
I hope you continue to enjoy your time on Committee and I look forward to working alongside you all.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
West Vet's Annual General Meeting
Come and hear all the news of the West and Scottish Vets throughout the past year. Hope to see lots of you at the meeting.
Scottish Vets Final Round Up
To read all the reports throughout the year then go the Scottish Vets Round Up 12 at the Scottish Vets Website and scroll down to see all of the 2010 reports
Thanks go to East Vets Noreen Fenton for all her reports
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Sheringham Review
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Scotland lose to Ireland on Day 3 of the Seniors Home Internationals
Day 3 Results:
Foursomes: M MacNamara and N Giblin bt F De Vries and L Bennett 4 and 3; H Jones and P Doran lost to M Smith and A Ryan 2 holes; S McElroy and P O'Gorman bt H Anderson and N Fenton 7 and 6 (2-1).
Singles: V McBride lost to De Vries 4 and 3, Jones bt Bennett 2 and 1, MacNamara lost to Smith 5 and 4, McElroy bt Ryan 2 and 1, Doran bt M Thomson 5 and 4 (3-2).
ENGLAND 5 1/2, WALES 2 1/2
Foursomes: C Quinn and S Dye lost to V Thomas and J Rees 2 and 1; J Melville and F Christine bt J Doleman and O Davies 6 and 5; R Adams and J Ashmore halved with A Lewis and D Richards (1 1/2-1 1/2).
Singles: C Marron bt Thomas 3 and 1, Melville bt Rees 1 hole, Adams lost to Lewis 6 and 4, Christine bt Richards 5 and 4, Ashmore bt Doleman 1 hole (4-1)
To read the full report go to the Gillian Kirkwood Website
Click Here for the Full Scoreboard
Read the exact report from East Vets Noreen Fenton
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Scotland beaten by England at the Seniors' Home Internationals
Scotland lost their grip on the senior women's home golf internationals title when they were well beaten, 6 1/2-1 1/2 by England at Sheringham Golf Club, Norfolk.
The Scots had drawn their first-day match with Wales.
Scotland's only winner was Ladybank's Lorna Bennett who staged a grandstand finish, winning four holes in a row from the 14th, for a 2 and 1 win over Susan Dye.
The half-point came in the morning foursomes, courtesy of Fiona De Vries (St Rule) and Ann Ryan (Tain) who halved their tie with Roz Adams and Jo Ashmore.
The other match today ended in a 4-4 draw between Ireland and Wales.
Day 2 Results
Foursomes - M Smith and M Thomson lost to C Marron and S Dye 4 and 2, L Bennett and H Anderson lost to J Melville and F Christine 4 and 2, F De Vries and A Ryan halved with R Adams and J Ashmore (1/2-2 1/2).
Singles - De Vries lost to Marron 3 and 1, N Fenton lost to C Quinn 5 and 3, Anderson lost to Adams 5 and 4, Thomson lost to Christine 1 hole, Bennett bt Dye 2 and 1 (1-4).
Foursomes: V Thomas and J Rees bt M MacNamara and N Giblin 1 hole, J Doleman and L Fleet lost to H Jones and P Doran 3 and 2, A Lewis and D Richards lost to S McElroy and P O'Gorman 1 hole (1-2).
Singles: Rees bt V McBride 2 holes, Thomas lost to MacNamara 1 hole, Lewis bt Jones 2 and 1, O Davies bt Doran 1 hole, Doleman lost to McElroy 3 and 2 (3-2).
England 2 pt, Wales 1pt, Scotland 1/2pt, Ireland 1/2pt.
Scotland v Ireland, England v Wales.
To read the full report for today's match against England go to the East Vets Website
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Scotland Seniors draw with Wales on Day 1 of the Home Internationals
Foursomes: M Smith and M Thomson lost to V Thomas and J Rees 4 and 2; H Anderson and L Bennett bt J Doleman and L Fleet 2 and 1; F De Vries and A Ryan lost to A Lewis and D Richards 2 holes (1-2).
Singles: De Vries bt Thomas 4 and 2, Smith lost to Rees 3 and 2, Anderson bt O Davies 2 holes, Ryan lost to Lewis 1 hole, N Fenton bt Richards 3 and 2 (3-2).
Foursomes: C Marron and C Quinn bt H Jones and P Doran 2 and 1; J Melville and F Christine bt V McBride and M MacNamara 4 and 2, J Ashmore and R Adams bt S McElroy and P O'Gorman 1 hole (3-0).
Singles: Marron bt Jones 4 and 3, Quinn bt N Giblin 3 and 2, Melville bt McBride 6 and 4, Ashmore lost to Doran 4 and 3, S Dye bt McElroy 1 hole (4-1).
To read the full report go to the Gillian Kirkwood Website
To read the full report from East Vets Noreen Fenton who played and won today --- Click Here
Monday, September 27, 2010
Seniors Home Internationals --- Practice Day
To read the report from Noreen Fenton (East Vets Webmaster) who is part of the Scottish Team then click on the following link --- East Vets Website
To see more --- Go to the LGU Website
Friday, September 24, 2010
West Vets Anna Telfer has a lot to smile about
We are all absolutely thrilled - and somewhat in shock because after 10 male Telfers on the trot, we were beginning to think we'd never see a little girl.
Isla weighed in at 7lbs 11 oz and has the same colouring as Scott (and features too)
I make no apologies for being a besotted Granny and have attached a photo taken 5 hours after birth and also one of my 2 little super-heroes (Scott and Calum)
Anna Telfer
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Scottish Vets Jamboree at Blairgowrie --- The West Vets do well
The Championship played on the Lansdowne Course features the divisional champions in a knockout competition and May Hughes, our West vets Champion, was runner up in the final losing 2 and 1 to Karen Ballantyne (East).
In the medal round on Rosemount on Monday the winner of the Rosebowl was Moira Begbie (Midlands) 84-12-72. West Vets Captain Helen Faulds won 4th Handicap 78-5-73 and was also awarded the Lyon Picture for the best scratch 78.
West Vet -- Moyra Gordon --- Click to enlarge
Beddows Quaich and Tony Moffat Memorial Trophy Winners - Click to enlarge
The Greensomes Competition was played over the Lansdowne Course and West had 9 couples playing. Vice captain Fiona Roger took the place of Anne Dunn who unfortunately had a foot injury.
Carol Fell and Helen Faulds won the Tony Moffat Memorial Trophy for the best Scratch Score of 77 (2 over the SSS OF 75)and the Beddows Quaich for 1st handicap 77-7-70.
So all in all a good result for West division Vets at Blairgowrie this year. To read the full list of results go to the Scottish Vets Website
West Vet Sally Coster was also announced as the new Vice President of the SVLGA Association with Jean Thomas who takes over as President from Isabel McIntosh (who is pictured above in the photos presenting the Trophies)
Thank you to Jean Lambert -Vets Secretary -and her helpers for all her hard work and ensuring such smooth running of all the competions over the 3 days.
Click on the small thumbnail to see some photos from the event AND THEN CLICK ON SLIDESHOW
2010 Scottish Vets Jamboree Blairgowrie |
Saturday, September 18, 2010
More Photos and the Video from West Kilbride
Thanks go Jennifer Mack fo the Photographs taken on the Final Day -- Some captions still to add
Friday, September 17, 2010
Scottish Vets Championship
May Hughes the West Vets Champion takes on North Champion Lynne Terry.
To see the draw --- Click Here
Report from East Vet Noreen Fenton
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Bev New is the 2010 British Seniors Champion
Making her debut in the tournament after reaching the eligibility age of 50, the former Ladies European Tour player who won the English title and Curtis Cup honours as an amateur, shot the low round of the championship today to come through to snatch victory from joint fifth overnight, four shots off the pace.
Bev had rounds of 78, 84 and 73 for 19 over par 235 – scores that reflect how bad the conditions were for much of the three days of the championship.
The over-20mph wind of the first day returned, increasing in intensity from noon.
New, who had been joint first-round leader on 78 with Maureen Richmond (Royal Liverpool,) packed four birdies into her brilliant, wind-cheating final round.
Unfortunately Maureen had a poor inward half to finish off her chance of winning the title
West Vets did well on the final day with Alex Glennie have a 77 in the final round to finish on 250 alongside Troons Jane Finnie
West Kilbride GC, North Ayrshire.
Par 216 (3x72) CSS 77 77 75
235 Bev New (Lansdown) 78 84 73.
236 Pat Doran (Donabate) 81 81 74.
238 Vicki Thomas (Carmarthen) 81 80 77, Maureen Richmond (Royal Liverpool) 78 80 81.
240 Helen Jones (Strabane) 80 79 81.
241 Rozalyn Adams (Addington Court) 83 80 78, Lorna Bennett (Ladybank) 84 79 78.
Other Scots:
244 Heather Anderson (Blairgowrie) 83 81 80, Jo Ashmore (Barnham Broom) 85 78 81, Helene Maxe (Swe) 88 75 81, Janet Melville (Sherwood Forest) 81 81 82.
247 Mary Smith (Tain) 84 84 79, Fiona Anderson (Formby Ladies) 84 83 80.
248 Fiona de Vries (St Rule) 84 83 81.
250 Alex Glennie (Kilmarnock Barassie) 91 82 77, Jane Finnie (Troon Ladies) 83 86 81.
252 Alison Bartlett (Royal Dornoch) 85 86 81,
256 Noreen Fenton (Dunbar) 86 87 83, Margaret Tough (Falkirk) 88 85 83
257 May Hughes (Lanark) 83 90 84, Catherine Garrett (West Kilbride) 87 82 88.
50 to 54 years – Helen Jones.
55 to 59 years – Rozalyn Adams (better last six holes over Lorna Bennett).
60 to 64 years – Sandy Woodruff.
Over 65 years – Valerie Hassett.
Best 18 holes (73) – Bev New.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kilmacolm exile Maureen Richmond (nee Walker) a Curtis Cup player, British and Scottish girls champion in her youth and now a GP at Wallasey, is one good round away from adding to a glittering golfing CV that has been virtually dormant since she became a GP several decades ago.
At the end of a long, long day – the start of play was delayed 2hr 15min until 45mph early-morning winds abated – Dr Richmond and her playing partners finished their second rounds almost in darkness at 7.45pm.
Maureen added an 80 to her opening round of 78 and her 36-hole tally of 158 gives her a one-stroke lead from England’s Caroline Marron (Bromborough), recent winner of the English seniors’ stroke-play title, and Ireland’s Helen Jones (Strabane), winner last week by six strokes of the Irish senior women’s open amateur championship.
The field was cut to 40 and ties for tomorrow’s final round. Players had to have two-round aggregates of 173 or better to survive.
Other Scots in the picture after 36 holes are Ladybank’s European seniors team hero Lorna Bennett with a 79 for 163 and Blairgowrie’s Heather Anderson with an 81 for 164.
“I just played solidly,” said Lorna. “Nothing spectacular. Just kept going.”
Heather was drifting out of the top 20 when she reached the turn in 43 but she came back in 38, good going in the conditions, to salvage an 81.
West Vets Jane Finnie, Alex Glennie and May Hughes have all made the cut
SECOND ROUND (end of play
Par 144 (2x72). CSS 77 tbc
158 Maureen Richmond (Royal Liverpool) 78 80.
159 Caroline Marron (Bromborough) 82 77, Helen Jones (Strabane) 80 79.
161 Vicki Thomas (Carmarthen) 81 80.
162 Pat Doran (Donabate) 81 81, Janet Melville (Sherwood Forest) 81 81. Bev New (Lansdown) 78 84.
Other Scots:
163 Lorna Bennett (Ladybank) 84 79, .
164 Heather Anderson (Blairgowrie) 83 1.
167 Fiona De Vries (St Rule) 84 83, Fiona Anderson (Formby Ladies) 84 83,
168 Mary Smith (Tain) 84 84,
169 Catherine Garrett (West Kilbride) 87 82, Jane Finnie (Troon Ladies) 83 86.
170 Noreen Fenton (Dunbar) 86 87,
171 Alison Bartlett (Royal Dornoch) 85 86.
173 Alex Glennie (Kilmarnock Barassie) 91 82, Margaret Tough (Falkirk) 88 85, May Hughes (Lanark) 83 90.
174 Janice Paterson (Drumpellier) 89 85, Anne Ryan (Tain) 82 92.
175 Anna Telfer (Milngavie) 90 85,
176 Karen Ballantyne (Craigmillar Park) 92 84..
177 Helen Faulds (Douglas Park) 94 83,
178 Jennifer Mack (Haggs Castle) 90 88.
183 Lorraine Campbell (Cardross) 93 90, Lynne Terry (Cruden Bay) 86 97..
NR Ruth Brown (Lothianburn) 98 NR.
Play will resume at 10:15 am at West Kilbride
That means the last players will not tee off until 3.45pm.
There will be a cut to the leading 40 players and ties at the end of the second round.
"We had a test of the conditions early this morning and the balls were being blown off the greens, but now the wind has dropped enough for us to start play for the day at 10.15am," said Tournament Director Susan Simpson after a second course/wind inspection after 9.30am.
2nd Days Play delayed at West Kilbride due to High Winds
The winds are even stronger at West Kilbride this morning (Wednesday) than they were yesterday!
The start of the second round in the Senior British women's open amateur championship has been delayed from 8am as scheduled to 10am.
"We will have another look at the situation then," said Tournament Director Susan Simpson.
"We had a test of the conditions early this morning and the balls were being blown off the greens."
If the decision is made to call of play today, the championship will be reduced to 36 holes with everybody playing in the second and last round on Thursday.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
May Hughes and Jane Finnie are the best West Vets in the Storm Lashed British Seniors Open at West Kilbride
Eight Scots in the leading 20 of the Senior British women’s open amateur stroke-play golf championship at the end of a storm-lashed day at West Kilbride was a good effort on the part of the home brigade.
Winds of up to 50mph … lashing rain … a hailstorm … it was all there in North Ayrshire. But the over-50 female golfers are made of stern stuff.
Portaloos out on the course were blown over (fortunately no one in them at the time).
A scoreboard came crashing down when the support legs simply sheered off due to the force of the wind.
Umbrellas were either blown to bits or last seen heading for Northern Ireland.
The clubhouse was awash with horror stories from happenings out on the course. The Canadian who finished second in the Irish seniors open last week required 97 shots to get round, including an 11 at the third and an 8 at the 10th.
Yet there was never any suggestion that the Ladies Golf Union would show some mercy and call the players in. The course was never flooded and remained open. The balls were never oscillating despite the gale. Let the show go on.
And from a field of 90 players there nil No Returns and only one retirement.
At the end of day that was more like January than mid-September, Kilmacolm exile Maureen Richmond (Royal Liverpool), and another former Curtis Cup player, Bev New from Somerset were the only two players to break 80.
They go into the second of three rounds sharing the pole position on six-over-par 78, one over the CSS (Reduction only).
The other Scots who did well were Tain’s Anne Ryan, joint 10th with an 82, Heather Anderson (Blairgowrie), and West Vets Jane Finnie (Troon Ladies) and May Hughes (Lanark), joint 12th on 83, and Lorna Bennett (Ladybank), Mary Smith (Tain), Fiona Anderson (Formby Ladies) and Fiona De Vries (St Rule), sharing 19th position.
West Kilbride Golf Club, North Ayrshire
FIRST ROUND (end of play scores)
Par 72. Yardage: 5,849
78 Maureen Richmond (Royal Liverpool), Bev New (Lansdown).
80 Helen Jones (Strabane), Marilyn Henderson (Castlerock).
81 Ruth Lindley (Hartlepool), Vicki Thomas (Carmarthen), Sheena McElroy (Grange), Janet Melville (Sherwood Forest), Pat Doran (Donabate).
82 Anne Ryan (Tain), Caroline Marron (Bromborough).
Other Scots (West Vets in Bold:
83 Heather Anderson (Blairgowrie), Jane Finnie (Troon Ladies), May Hughes (Lanark)
84 Lorna Bennett (Ladybank), Mary Smith (Tain), Fiona Anderson (Formby Ladies), Fiona De Vries (St Rule),Alison Bartlett (Royal Dornoch).
86 Noreen Fenton (Merchants of Edinburgh), Lynne Terry (Cruden Bay),
87 Catherine Garrett (West Kilbride),
88 Margaret Tough (Falkirk)
89 Janice Paterson (Drumpellier).
90 Anna Telfer (Milngavie), Jennifer Mack (Haggs Castle).
91 Alex Glennie (Kilmarnock Barassie).
92 Karen Ballantyne (Craigmillar Park)
93 Christine McAndrew (Nairn Dunbar), Lorraine Campbell (Cardross),
94 Helen Faulds (Douglas Park).
96 Ruth Brown (Lothianburn)
Retired: Pamela Willamson (Baberton).
+Field cut to leading 40 and ties after Round 2.
Thanks go to Colin Farquharson for the report
To read more go to the LGU Website
Click on the small thumbnail to see some photos from today's play
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The 2010 Ladies British Senior Open Championship |
Monday, September 13, 2010
Draw for the 1st Round of the British Seniors
Tee Times for the Scots:
8:00 Catherine Garrett - West Kilbride
8:44 Lorna Bennett - Ladybank
9:06 Mary Smith - Tain
9:17 Christine McAndrew - Nairn Dunbar
9:39 Karen Ballantyne - Craigmillar Park
10:01 Margaret Tough - Falkirk, Maureen Richmond - Royal Liverpool, Alex Glennie - Kilmarnock Barassie
10:12 Heather Anderson - Downfield
10:23 Janice Paterson - Drumpellier
10:34 Anne Ryan - Tain, Jane Finnie - Troon Ladies'
10:55 Noreen Fenton - Merchants of Edinburgh
11:06 Fiona Anderson - Formby Ladies
11:17 Fiona de Vries - St Rule
11:28 Lynne Terry - Cruden Bay, Lorraine Campbell - Cardross
11:39 Anna Telfer - Milngavie
12:01 May Hughes - Lanark
12:23 Jennifer Mack - Haggs Castle
12:34 Helen Faulds - Douglas Park
12:45 Ruth Brown - Lothianburn
13:07 Pamela Williamson - Baberton
13:18 Alison Bartlett - Royal Dornoch
Jennifer Mack and her son Gavin are Runner's Up in the 2010 Scottish Mixed Foursomes
West Vet Jennifer Mack (the Haggs Castle Ladies Captain) and her son, Gavin Mack (pictured above) had four birdies and an eagle three in their round of 73 and pipped the 2008 Champions, Karen Marshall and Stephen Marshall to the runners up spot on the better inward half.
WELL DONE JENNIFER (and of course Gavin)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
British Seniors Strokeplay begins on Tuesday at West Kilbride
There are 7 West Vets playing in it -- --- GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL --- PLUS GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE SCOTS PLAYING --- THERE ARE ABOUT 24.
West Vets Playing at the British Seniors:
Helen Faulds (Douglas Park)
Jane Finnie (The Ladies Golf Club Troon)
Alex Glennie (Kilmarnock Barassie)
May Hughes (Lanark)
Jennifer Mack (Haggs Castle)
Janice Paterson (Drumpellier)
Anna Telfer (Milngavie)
Senior Home Internationals -- Team Selected
East Vets Webmaster Noreen Fenton joins the gold medal winning team from the European Senior Ladies' Team Championship in the team to represent Scotland in the Senior Home International Matches to be held at Sheringham Golf Club, 28-30 September. The team is:
Heather Anderson (Alyth), Lorna Bennett (Ladybank), Fiona de Vries (St Rule), Noreen Fenton (Dunbar), Anne Ryan (Tain), Mary Smith (Tain), Moira Thomson (North Berwick).
Captain - Pamela Williamson (Baberton)
Reserves - 1 May Hughes (Lanark), 2 Alex Glennie (Kilmarnock Barassie), 3 Alison Bartlett (Royal Dornoch)
Thursday, September 09, 2010
SVLGA WEST DIVISION AUTUMN MEETING : Local Member Anna wins the May Craddock Trophy
Anna Telfer (Milngavie) -- Winner of the May Craddock Trophy --- Click to enlarge
45 ladies took part in the West Vets Autumn Meeting held over Milngavie golf course today for the May Craddock Trophy. The course was in very good condition, but playing long and the scores reflected this. Local knowledge of member Anna Telfer came to the fore and she recorded a gross 78 less 5 for a net 73, Janette McCartney (Erskine) also recorded a net 73 off a handicap of 8 but was beaten into first position by Anna's better inward half.
Well done Anna.
Vet's Captain Helen Faulds won the scratch with a 79.
There were many tales to tell over lunch and fortunately the weather stayed dry until almost the end of play - just a few games having to suffer a heavy shower.
Division 1
lst: Anna Telfer (Milngavie) 78 - 5 : 73 bih
2nd: Janette McCartney (Erskine ) 81 - 8 : 73
3rd: Lorna Craigie (Hayston) 92 - 17 : 75
Division 2
lst: Anna MacDougall (Old Ranfurly) 104 - 23 : 81
2nd: Morag Dunan (Milngavie) 107 - 25 : 82
Best Scratch: Helen Faulds (Douglas Park) 79
Anne MacKellar from Whitecraigs won the Supervet prize with a net 77.
SSS 71 : CSS 74 (Reduction Only) --- 45 Entrants
For all the results --- CLICK HERE
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
West Vets Medal at Milngavie GC
Hoping to see a good turnout of West Vets tomorrow (Thursday 9th September) at Milngavie Golf Club for our last fixture of the season. It's a running ballot from 9.30-11.30am. Fingers crossed for good weather.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Scotland are the European Senior Team Champions
Scotland have pulled off a famous victory in the final of the European Senior Women's amateur team championship at Sporting Club, Berlin.
They beat the favourites and top seeds England 3-2 to win the gold medals for the first time.
Qualifying sixth of eight for the match-play stages, Pamela Williamson's squad had scored good wins on their way to the final but England were the overwhelming favourites.
When England took a 2-0 lead in the final, the writing looked to be on the wall for the Scots but they came back with a tremendous rally to tie it up at 2-2.
Then Tain's Anne Ryan, a debutante at his level of the game, won the title-gaining victory over Susan Dye in the last match to finish.
Anne, whose sister Mary Smith is also in the team, was two holes up at the turn against Susan Dye and not only maintained that advantage over the inward half, she added to it to win by 3 and 2.
Earlier Caroline Masson, four up at the turn, had beaten Fiona de Vries by 5 and 4.
And England had gone 2-0 up when Rozalyn Adams, also four up at the turn, had gone on to win by 5 and 4 against Heather Anderson from Alyth.
Then the Scotland glory run for gold started.
Mary Smith (Tain) and Moira Thomson (Gullane Ladies) won the foursomes tie by 2 and 1 against Janet Melville and Felicity Christine after being all square at the turn.
Lorna Bennett (Ladybank) levelled it overall at 2-2 by beating Christine Quinn by one hole after leading by that margin at the turn.
Switzerland beat Ireland 3 1/2-1 1 1/2 in the play-off for third place and the bronze medals.
Thanks go to Colin Farquharson for the report and to read more --- Go to the East Vets Website
Friday, September 03, 2010
Draw for the European Seniors Final between Scotland and England
Janet Melville and Felicity Christine v Mary Smith and Moira Thompson
Caroline Marron v Fiona de Vries
Christine Quinn v Lorna Bennett
Rozalyn Adams v Heather Anderson
Susan Dye v Anne Ryan
Scotland Seniors beat Ireland to reach the final of the European Seniors Team Championships
Scotland are through to the final of the European senior women's amateur team golf championship at Sporting Club Berlin.
The team of over-50s, captained by Pamela Williamson (Baberton), beat Ireland 3-2 in the semi-finals today (Friday) to assure themselves of gaining at least the silver medals.
But the Scots are playing so well they will be fancying their chance of striking gold against the No 1 seeds and favourites England who beat Switzerland 3 1/2-1 1/2 in the other semi-final.
To read the full report go to the Gillian Kirkwood Website or go to the East Vets Website for most details
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Scotland Seniors beat Germany
To read the full report go to the Gillian Kirkwood Website
Or go to the East Vets Website for "Straight from the Horses Mouth!"
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
They will play No 3 seeds Germany, the defending champions, in the quarter-finals of the match-play stages.
England (760) earned top seed status ahead of France (776) and Germany (778).
The Scots required 10 more shots than they did in the first qualifying round. None of them broke 80. Closest to it was Mary Smith (Tain) who had the non-scoring round on Tuesday. This time she led the Scots with an 80.
Fiona De Vries had an 81, Anne Ryan and Moira Thomson both 82 and Lorna Bennett an 84. Heather Anderson had the non-counting 86.
760 ENGLAND 383 377.
776 FRANCE 391 385.
778 GERMANY 394 384.
792 SWEDEN 396 396.
806 SWITZERLAND 404 402.
808 SCOTLAND 399 409, IRELAND 415 393.
814 SPAIN 411 403.
England v Spain
Sweden v Switzerland
Germany v Scotland
France v Ireland.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Scotland Seniors make good start on Day 1 of the European Championships
Scotland made a steady start to the qualifying rounds from which the leading eight teams will make up the championship match-play flight in the European senior women's amateur team championship at Sporting Club Berlin today
On a testing course playing long, England's 23-over-par total of 383 - helped by a hole in one from Rozalyn Adams - was good enough to lead the first qualifying round by eight shots from France with defending champions Germany (394) third, Sweden (396) fourth and Scotland (399) fifth.
Fiona de Vries (St Rule), top-scored for the Scots with a 78, the joint sixth best overall. She was backed up by Heather Anderson (Alyth) and Lorna Bennett (Ladybank) with 79s, one ahead of Moira Thomson (Gullane Ladies). Anne Ryan (Tain) had an 83 but her sister Mary Smith had a non-counting 85.
383 England (Caroline Marron 73, Christine Quinn 74, Rozalyn Adams 78, Susan Dye 78, Felicity Christine 80. Non-counting: Janet Melville 85).
391 France.
394 Germany.
396 Sweden.
399 Scotland (Fiona de Vries 78, Lorna Bennett 79, Heather Anderson 79, Moira Thomson 80, Anne Ryan 83. Non-counting: Mary Smith 85).
404 Switzerland.
411 Spain.
415 Ireland (Pat Doran 79, Violet McBride 82, Helen Jones 82, Sheena McElroy 85, Phil O'Gorman 87. Non-counting: Niamh Giblin 89)
421 Italy, Austria.
423 Belgium, Netherlands.
441 Denmark.
444 Portugal.
452 Finland.
Thanks go to Colin Farquharson for the report
Good Luck to the Scottish Senior Team in The European Team Championships in Berlin
There are no West Vets in the The Scottish team that is playing in the Senior European Team Championship in Berlin which commences today -- the 31st August.
However, we wish the team every success:
Heather Anderson (Alyth)
Lorna Bennett (Ladybank)
Fiona de Vries (St Rule)
Anne Ryan (Tain)
Mary Smith (Tain)
Moira Thomson (Gullane)
First reserve Noreen Fenton (Dunbar)
Second reserve Fiona Hunter (Baberton)
Captain Pamela Williamson (Baberton)
Manager Janet Wake (Merchants)
Monday, August 30, 2010
West Vets pair do well in the 2010 Scottish Foursomes Strokeplay Championship
To read all about it --- Click on the following link --- The West of Scotland Ladies Golf Website
Friday, August 27, 2010
Maureen retains the West Vets Bronze Championship
The Bronze Chamionship Final was played yesterday at Renfrew Golf Club between Maureen Rennie (Douglas Park) and Jane Thomson (Ladies Club Troon).
It was a close fought match with never any more than two holes separating them. The overhead conditions were very pleasant and the course in excellent condition. Maureen moved two clear after the 16th with a lovely par 5 and the 17th was halved giving Maureen a 2 & l victory. Well done Maureen and well played Jane.
Unfortunately due to a fire in the kitchen and dining area at the Club, we were unable to celebrate Maureen's win.
The club had a bar area set outside, but as we left the course, the heavens opened and it did not seem a good idea to hang around!
We plan to celebrate some other time!
Round-up of SVLGA news --- Vets Newsletter 11 --- review around Scotland
Thanks go to Noreen Fenton from East Vets for putting on all the latest news --- Newsletter 11 is now on -- Apologies to Noreen in the delay !!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The Asp Trophy won by the East
In what could only be described as mixed weather conditions the East Vets beat the West Vets yesterday at Gullane by 3.5 to 1.5 and were delighted to win the Asp Trophy for the first time since 2004. The first 5 or 6 holes were played in heavy rain and conditions could only be described as miserable! However the heavy rain eased and conditions improved greatly.
This match was the usual format played as a scratch foursomes for ladies with handicaps 10 to 15 and all the games were very evenly matched although five of the West team had never played the course before. Two games went very much in favour of the East but the other three went all the way to the 18th green.
It is always a pleasure to play at Gullane and yesterday was no exception. We were warmly welcomed and had a lovely meal after the match with plenty of chat and laughter. Both captains, Noreen and Fiona said a few words and Fiona presented the Asp Trophy to a very happy East captain who couldn't keep the smile off her face! Well done! We look forward to our next meeting in 2011 in the West.
Thank you to all the West team who travelled to Gullane and tried their hardest to bring the Trophy back to the West!
Enid Young & Marion Stewart beat Gilly Glen & Ellice Cackett
Maureen Mitchell & Rena Simpson lost to Morag Wardrop & Dulcie Barnes
Cathy Morton & Lana MacDonald lost to Kate Johnstone & Pam Townsend
Ruth Henderson & Elinor Grant halved with Caroline Kinnaird & Sydena Cullen
Margaret Mowat & Fiona Roger lost to Carol McLeod and Sandra Ashurst
To see some photographs of the event (taken by East Vets Noreen Fenton) ---- CLICK HERE
Monday, August 09, 2010
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Scotland retains the Miller-Stirling Salver
Thanks go to Easts Noreen Fenton for this report
To read more go to the East Vets Website
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Scotland Half their match against Midlands on Day 2 of the Jamboree
Scotland v Midlands
Fiona de Vries and Anne Ryan bt Janet Melville and Julie Walter 2 and 1
Mary Smith and Moira Thomson bt Janet Doleman and Paula Parker 4 and 3
Lorna Bennett and May Hughes bt Gillian Curley and Andrea Stockdale 4 and 2
Lorna Bennett lost to Pat West 2 and 1
Fiona de Vries lost to Jo Ashmore 2 up
Heather Anderson bt Andrea Stockdale 2 up
Anne Ryan lost to Janet Melville 2 up
Moira Thomson halved with Julie Walter
Noreen Fenton lost to Janet Doleman 1 up
Scotland and Midlands halved match
South v North
Caroline Weir and Irene Brien lost to Pat Wrightson and Fiona Anderson 3 and 2
Chris Stirling and Jeannie O'Keefe lost to Caroline Marron and Sue Dye 5 and 4
Marianne Copp and Pat Bennett lost to Barbara Laird and Sue Warrington 5 and 4
Chris Stirling lost to Caroline Marron 2 up
Carole Weir bt Sue Dye 5 and 3
Irene Brien bt Barbara Laird 3 and 2
Jeannie O'Keefe lost to Ruth Lindley
Anne Bridges and Rosie Walter result awaited
Cathy Armstrong and Sue Warrington result awaited
North will have won against the South.
Tomorrow (Thursday) Scotland play North who have an unbeaten record. They have to win.
North 2 points
Scotland 1 1/2 points
Midlands 1/2 point
South 0 points
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Vets Jamboree at Seascale Day 1 -- Scotland win against England South
In their first match against England South they won the foursomes 2-1 and in the afternoon won 4 of the 6 singles to finish 6-3. A good start.
Scotland v South
Heather Anderson and Anne Ryan bt Carole Weir and Irene Brien 2 up
Mary Smith and Moira Thomson lost to Chris Stirling and Jeannie O'Keefe 2 and 1
Noreen Fenton and May Hughes bt Marianne Copp and Pat Bennett 4 and 3
Lorna Bennett bt Carole Weir 4 and 3
Fiona de Vries bt Chris Stirling 1 up
Anne Ryan lost to Anne Bridges 1 up
Noreen Fenton bt Irene Brien 4 and 3
Mary Smith bt Cathy Armstrong 2 and 1
Heather Anderson lost to Jeannie O'Keefe 3 and 1
Scotland 6 South 3
Midlands v North
Janet Melville and Jo Ashmore halved with Pat Wrightson and Fiona Anderson
Gillian Curley and Andrea Stockdale lost to Caroline Marron and Sue Dye 2 up
Pat West and Julie Walter lost to Barbara Laird and Sue Warrington 2 up
Janet Doleman lost to Caroline Marron 3 and 2
Paula Parker lost to Fiona Anderson 2 up
Janet Melville bt Ruth Lindley 2 up
Jo Ashmore lost to Sue Dye 7 and 6
Julie Walter bt Pat Wrightson 3 and 2
Pat West lost to Rosie Walter 3 and 1
Midlands 2 1/2 North 6 1/2
Scotland play Midlands tomorrow and North on Thursday.
Monday, July 26, 2010
West Team:
Elinor Grant (Douglas Park)
Ruth Henderson (Williamwood)
Maureen Mitchell (Cathcart Castle)
Margaret Mowat (Troon)
Cathy Morton (Eastwood)
Lana MacDonald (Hilton Park)
Fiona Roger (Ranfurly Castle)
Rena Simpson (Kilmacolm)
Marion Stewart (Kilmacolm)
Enid Young (Balmore)
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Scottish Senior Team Announced
Captain - Pamela Williamson
Heather Anderson (Alyth)
Lorna Bennett (Ladybank)
Fiona de Vries (St Rule)
Anne Ryan (Tain)
Mary Smith (Tain)
Moira Thomson (Gullane Ladies)
Noreen Fenton (Dunbar)
Fiona Hunter (Baberton)
Friday, July 23, 2010
Many Congratulations to the Irish Vets and East Vets Noreen Fenton tells her story
Many Congratulations go to the Irish Vets who won the Mary McKenna Trophy this week from the Scots . Click on the following link for a wee CONGRATULATIONS CARD to you all
Also to read the Full Report of the event from East Vets Noreen Fenton go to the EAST VETS WEBSITE
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Ireland regain the Mary McKenna Trophy
The first-day four-ball foursomes were shared 2-2.
Ireland edged the final set of eight singles 4 1/2-3 1/2 for a 6 1/2-5 1/2 overall victory.
It was Ireland's first since in the competition since 2002.
Pamela Williamson (Baberton) captained the Scots and the Irish were led by Roma English.
Rhona Brennan lost to Alex Glennie 1 hole.
Pat Doran beat Noreen Fenton 1 hole
Helen Jones lost to Heather Anderson 1 hole.
Marilyn Henderson halved with Lorna Bennett.
Valerie Hassett beat Helen Faulds 2 holes.
Violet McBride beat Mary Smith 1 hole.
Sheena McElroy beat Pamela Williamson 2 and 1.
Phil O'Gorman lost to Pat Hutton 1 hole.
Pat Hutton gets a game in Ireland
With Jennifer Mack getting a game yesterday due to Kathleen Sutherland being injured ---it is now the turn of Pat Hutton to take on the Irish
The draw was done out of a beer mug !!
Rhona Brennan v Alex Glennie
Pat Doran v Noreen Fenton
Helen Jones v Heather Anderson
Marlyn Henderson v Lorna Bennett
Valerie Hassett v Helen Faulds
Violet McBride v Mary Smith
Sheena McElroy v Pamela Williamson
Phil O'Gorman v Pat Hutton
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Scotland share the honours on the first day of the Mary McKenna Trophy
The Scots, holders of the trophy, had wins by Lorna Bennett (Ladybank) and her partner Jennifer Mack (Haggs Castle), and also Mary Smith (Tain) with Noreen Fenton (Dunbar).
Winners for Ireland were Phil O'Gorman and her partner Villet McBride, and also Helen Jones and Valerie Hassett.
The match concludes Thursday with eight singles ties.
Irish names first
Sheena McElroy and Marilyn Henderson lost to Lorna Bennett and Jennifer Mack 4 and 3.
Phil O'Gorman and Violet McBride beat Heather Anderson and Alex Glennie 2 and 1.
Helen Jones and Valerie Hassett beat Pam Williamson and Helen Faulds 5 and 4.
Pat Doran and Rhona Brennan lost to Mary Smith and Noreen Fenton 3 and 2.
To read the main story of today's events go to Noreen Fenton's Report on the East Vets Website
Mary McKenna Trophy Match Day 1
10.30am start
Sheena McElroy and Marilyn Henderson v Lorna Bennett and Jennifer MackPhil O'Gorman and Violet McBride v Heather Anderson and Alex Glennie
Helen Jones and Valerie Hassett v Pam Williamson and Helen Faulds
Pat Doran and Rhona Brennan v Mary Smith and Noreen Fenton
* Due to a slight injury Kathleen Sutherland (Royal Montrose) is unable to play and West Vet Jennifer Mack is now playing
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
West Vets Captain is a Sunday Times Photo Star !!
Helen Faulds along with husband Bobby were Marshalls at the British Open last week at St. Andrews. Elie members were allocated the 12th Hole and Peter Alliss commented on the last day when Paul Casey put his ball in the gorse bush that not a single ball had been lost all week.
The picture above is of West Vets Captain Helen, directing Bobby as to where his ball is going on the 3rd Round --- Photo Courtesy of the Sunday Times (Sorry a bit small to enlarge)
CLICK HERE TO SEE PHOTOS FROM THE PRACTICE DAY with Bobby and Helen at the 12th Hole
The 2010 Millar Stirling Trophy Team is announced
Scottish team
Heather Anderson (Alyth)
Lorna Bennett (Ladybank)
Fiona de Vries (St Rule)
Noreen Fenton (Dunbar)
May Hughes (Lanark)
Anne Ryan (Tain)
Mary Smith (Tain)
Moira Thomson (Gullane)
Alex Glennie (Kilmarnock Barassie)
Lynne Terry (Cruden bay)
Pamela Williamson (Baberton) - Captain
Helen Fauld (Douglas Park) - Vice-Captain
Sunday, July 18, 2010
The Rearranged Mary McKenna Trophy
The team is slightly different in that Fiona de Vries (St Rule) and Moira Thomson (Gullane) unfortunately cannot manage to play due to work commitments. Their places have been taken by the first reserve Kathleen Sutherland(Royal Montrose) who played in the Senior Scottish Home International team last year at Newport and the Vets Team Captain Pamela Williamson (Baberton). West Vets Captain Helen Faulds is in the Team and we wish her and all the team the best of luck.
Scottish Team:
Heather Anderson(Alyth)
Lorna Bennett (Ladybank)
Helen Faulds (Douglas Park)
Noreen Fenton (Dunbar)
Alex Glennie (Kilmarnock Barassie)
Mary Smith (Tain)
Kathleen Sutherland (Royal Montrose)
Pamela Williamson (Baberton) captain
Friday, July 09, 2010
May Hughes is the 2010 West Vets Champion
The Final of the West Vets Championship was played today at Renfrew Golf Club between May Hughes (Lanark) and Alex Glennie (Kilmarnock Barassie). May won on the 18th -- 1 Up . It was an exciting game with Alex getting off to a good start in the pouring rain. Alex started par, par birdie to go 2 up and continued her good run to be 4 up after 6. The sun then came out and it was May's turn as she then won 5 holes in a row to be 1 up going to the 12th. Thereafter it was a fairly ding dong match with May finally winning at the 18th hole to become this years West Vets Champion --- WELL DONE MAY.
To see a few photos from the final click on the small thumbnail below
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The 2010 West Vets Final |
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Dates for Championship Finals
May Hughes (Lanark) v Alex Glennie (Kilmarnock Barassie)
The Bronze Championship is at Renfrew GC on 26th August at 2.30pm
Please do come along and support
Friday, July 02, 2010
Photos and Videos from the Scottish Seniors
To see some photos and more videos from the Scottish Seniors Click on the Link on the RHS of this webpage or Click Here.
Fiona is the Scottish Matchplay Champion

Fiona de Vries (St Rule) ended the title double hopes of Alyth’s Heather Anderson, beating her by one hole in the final of the Scottish senior women’s amateur golf championship at Fortrose and Rosemarkie Golf Club on the Black Isle, north of Inverness.
Earlier in the week Heather had won the seniors’ stroke-play title over 36 holes but she never led after the fifth hole in the final.
Fiona who has won both the over-50s stroke-play and match-play titles in the past, went two up with a birdie at the 10th but Anderson came back at her to win the 11th with a par and the 13th with a birdie 3.
Fiona regained the lead with a par at the 15th and the last three holes were halved.
In the morning semi-finals, De Vries won at the 20th against Moira Thomson (Gullane Ladies) while Anderson beat Lorna Bennett (Ladybank) by 4 and 3.
Semi-finals – Heather Anderson (Alyth) bt Lorna Bennett (Ladybank) 4 and 3, Fiona de Vries (St Rule) bt Moira Thomson (Gullane Ladies) at 20th.
Final – Fiona De Vries beat Heather Anderson 1 hole.
Fiona and Heather into Final of Scottish Seniors
Fiona de Vries beat Moira Thomson at the 20th
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Scottish Seniors Matchplay Day 1 Results
Fortrose and Rosemarkie Golf Club, Black Isle.
Heather Anderson (Alyth) bt Alex Glennie (Kilmarnock Barassie) 2 holes.
Fiona Hunter (Baberton) bt Noreen Fenton (Dunbar) 1 hole.
Pamela Williamson (Baberton) bt Margaret Tough (Falkirk) 2 and 1.
Lorna Bennett (Ladybank) bt May Hughes (Lanark) 4 and 2.
Jill Harrison (Cruden Bay) bt Anne Ryan (Tain) 1 hole.
Moira Thomson (Gullane Ladies) bt Jane Herd (Musselburgh) 6 and 5.
Mary Smith (Tain) bt Lynne Terry (Cruden Bay) 2 and 1.
Fiona de Vries (St Rule) bt Alison Bartlett (Royal Dornoch) 2 and 1.
Anderson bt Hunter 2 holes.
Bennett bt Williamson 1 hole.
Thomson bt Harrison at 19th.
De Vries bt Smith 2 and 1.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Congratulations go to West Vet May Hughes who won 4th Scratch at the Scottish Seniors Strokeplay Championship at Fortrose Folf Club today. May along with Alex Glennie have qualified for the Matchplay stages which begin tomorrow.
Scottish senior women's stroke-play championship
Fortrose and Rosemarkie Golf Club, Black Isle
Par 142 (2x71)
153 Heather Anderson (Alyth) 80 73.
155 Fiona de Vries (St Rule) 75 80, Anne Ryan (Tain) 74 81.
157 May Hughes (Lanark) 76 81.
159 Margaret Tough (Falkirk) 79 80.
161 Lynne Terry (Cruden Bay) 76 85.
162 Noreen Fenton (Dunbar) 81 81.
163 Fiona Hunter (Baberton) 81 82.
164 Mary Smith (Tain) 84 80, Moira Thomson (Gullane Ladies) 83 81, Jane Herd (Musselburgh) 81 83.
165 Janice Cumming (Inverness) 84 81, Pamela Williamson (Baberton) 82 83, Lorna Bennett (Ladybank) 80 85.
166 Jill Harrison (Cruden Bay) 84 82, Alison Bartlett (Royal Dornoch) 83 83.
167 Alex Glennie (Kilmarnock Barassie) 86 81.
168 Helen Faulds (Douoglas Park) 85 83.
169 Maureen Woodhead (Gourock) 89 80, Agnes Freeman (Ladies Panmujre Barry) 84 85.
170 Karen Ballantyne (Craigmillar Park) 86 84.
171 Sue Penman (Gullane Ladies) 84 87, Marion Stewart (Kilmacolm) 83 88.
172 Jennifer Mack (Haggs Castle) 88 84, Anna Telfer Milngavie) 86 86, Margot Barr (Gairloch) 83 89.
173 Isobel McIntosh (Inverness) 87 86, Winifred MacCallum (Falkirk) 82 91.
174 Suzanne Cadden (Cardross) 92 82.
173 Ruth Brown (Lothianburn) 88 86.,
174 Pat Wilson (Murcar Links) 83 95.
175 Isobel Harvey (St Rule) 88 87, Susan MacVicar (Gairloch) 84 91, Annabel Kane (Kilmacolm) 82 92.
176 Patricia Hutton (Lanark) 87 89.
178 Janice Paterson (Drumpellier)PATERSON 89 89, Jen Petrie (Panmure Barry) 87 91.
Sheila Travers (Alloa) 89 89, Elizabeth Coghill (Royal Dornoch) 88 91.
179 Fiona Farquharson (King James VI) 86 93.
180 Jenny Thornton (Fortrose and Rosemarkie) 91 89, Rita Dee (Kingsknowe) 91 89, Janmice Lang (Alyth) 89 91, Karen Maxwell (Milngavie) 88 92.
181 Mairi Pollock (Craigmillar Park) 96 85, Linda McDouogall (Greenock) 92 89.
182 Isabel Chapman (Forfar) 91 91, Carol Fell (Ranfurly Castle) 89 93.
183 Elizabeth Cruickshank (West Surrey) 93 90, Dorothy Thomson (Gullane Ladies) 92 91, Maureen Neilson (Greenock) 90 94, Pat Morrison (Muir of Ord) 88 95
184 Joanne Watt Gullane Ladies) 96 88, Suxy Cooper (Fortrose and Rosemarkie) 95 89.
MCFADZEAN, Frances 92 92, Sheena McDonald (Buchanan Castle) 96 89.
185 Esme Hill (Dumfries and Co) 91 94.
WILSON, Alicia 90 95 F +43
185 Sheilah Ramsay (Inverness) 95 91.
186 Hazel Kelly (Ladies Panbmure Barry)l 91 95 .
186 Norma Smith (Downfield) 91 95
187 Liz Fertacz Blairgowrie) 92 95, Barbara Biggart (North Berwick) 91 96.
188 Elda Morrison (Fortrose and Rosemarkie) 98 90, Catherine Bryce (Ballater)92 96.
189 Maureen Ritchie (Muir of Ord) 88 101.
190 Sandy Bushby (Blairgowrie), 94 96, Fiona Roger (Ranfurly Castle) 91 99.
192 Ann Moffat (St Regulus) 92 100.
193 Maureen McRobb (Kingsknowe) 91 102.
194 Kay Jarvie (Auchterarder) 94 100.
196 Elinor Wallace (Muir of Ord) 93 103.
199 Pamela Moscati (Royal Dornoch) 105 94.
203 Clare Bowe (Gullane Ladies) 106 97.
208 Shona Low (Gullane Ladies) 106 102.
NR Maureen Ross (Fortrose and Rosemarkie) 88 NR
NR Lesley Johnston (Gullane Ladies) 83 NR.
NR Anne Brownie (Lothianburn) 90 NR.
NR Anne Terrey (Greenock) 102 NR.
NR Morag Wardrop (Niddry Castle) 95 NR