Fiona Roger (Vice Captain), Helen Faulds (Captain) and Pat Walker (Past Captain)
Captain Pat Walker welcomed everyone to the 40th Annual General Meeting of the West Vets AGM at Cowglen Golf Club yesterday . She said "I suppose this is our Ruby Do! "
Forty years ago the AGM would appear to have taken place in the Automobile Club where a room was rented for a cost of six Guineas. She said "I think you’ll all agree that parking is a lot easier here."
Their were 38 apologies which were accepted as read. This was followed by a very detailed financial account from our Treasurer Lilias Snodgrass who informed us that on alternate years we have a surplus and deficit amount of money within our finances due to Home and Away fixtures. She thanked Captain Pat Walker's husband John for going over the West Vets accounts in great detail with her which she very much appreciated. She finally said how much she had enjoyed being Treasurer over the last 4 years ---

Lilias Snodgrass and Sheila Shaw
Captain Pat continued " You must all be aware from the AGM notice that Lilias will be handing over to Sheila Shaw of Lochwinnoch who is going to be our new Treasurer."
"For the past four years Lilias has been extremely accurate and careful in keeping our affairs in order. She was completely reliable and the answer to any query was always at her fingertips. This attention to detail has been much appreciated Will you all join with me in thanking Lilias for her four years as Treasurer .------
We know from her reputation that Sheila will be a very worthy successor and we wish her all the best next year"
Pat then asked Sheila Goudie for her report
Sheila told us that we had 176 Members , 2 resignations and 21 on the wailting list. She then reminded us of the method of obtaining membership:
You must be 50 and have a proposer and seconder who have been members for at least 2 years. Handicap limit 28 and if applicant has a handicap of 6 or under she will be placed at the top of the waiting list, having been proposed and seconded in the usual way.
She then went on to tell of the venues for next year:
Foursomes (Home): Troon 10th August 11am (tbc)
Both Singles Matches (Away): TBA
Championship (Renfrew): 5th and 6th May 2009
Spring Meeting (Sandyhills): 9th April 2009 (Confirmed) -- This will pre balloted and drawn in handicap order, matching like handicaps - so please do not request a specific times. In the past although it stated on the fixture card that a SAE must accompany the entry some ladies have not done this causing inconvenience and unnecessary expense. PLEASE ENCLOSE A SAE.
Summer Meeting (Douglas Park): 21st May 2009 (Confirmed)
Autumn Meeting ( Erskine): 24th September 2009 (Confirmed)
This concluded the Secretary's Report
"Thank you Sheila for your report and also for all the work you do for us in the background to keep things running smoothly. The Fixtures the Minutes, the lists ,the handicaps ,the mailings etc etc. I call Sheila our gadget girl .She just loves all the electronic stuff –I think she is secretly joined at the hip to her fancy mobile and her various computers. Having our own Vet’s laptop has been a great move and we are grateful to Sheila for setting it up for all our needs. Thank you again Sheila for all your help throughout the year."
There have been a great many moans and groans about the weather this summer but the Vets were extraordinarily lucky. Every one of our events took place on beautiful days. I only remember one shower at the very end of our outing to Largs.
Thanks to Sheila we once more had excellent venues and we all took advantage of the good catering available everywhere.
The Spring Meeting at Largs was the qualifier for the Championship and 81 ladies took part We were grateful to Jennifer Graham who made such a good job of preparing the Starting sheet . Largs were very generous and gave us more or less unlimited starting times so everyone was fitted in.
One way and another it was an exciting day An outstanding memory for everyone was the bizarre pin position on the first hole –a par 3 -- which caused a great deal of grief and an ever increasing time delay throughout the day. Scores ranged from a Birdie 2 to about 14 However-- everyone take note ! Pat Hutton had a ten at that hole (Pat Hutton a ten !!) and she still managed to qualify for the Championship. A lesson for us all — Grit your teeth and keep going.
A pleasant memory of that day was the very warm welcome we received from the Captain of the club and also the Lady Captain Jill Fox who had arranged for ball spotters round the course.It was a long day for them too due to the delay at the first. Afterwards we sent her a box of golf balls as a small thank you to herself and her spotters.

Birdie of the Day
Then there was the Birdie of the day. ----the cock pheasant which flew into Gill Campbell’s radiator grill before she even got to the club. The AA had to be called out to remove the whole front of her car to release the remains of the poor creature. - click on the photo above to get a better view !
At the end of the day Alex Glennie, one of our very new Vets was the leading qualifier with a gross 82
We had a much less stressful day for the Summer Meeting at Hilton Park .Only 36 ladies took part which was disappointing as the course and the countryside were looking their sparkling best. Perhaps in late May there are so many other things on in the golf world it is difficult to play in everything . It was Lana Macdonald’s club so she brought along a selection of biscuits for us to have with our coffee.
The Heather Anderson Trophy for the best scratch that day won by Jennifer Mack with a 75.
The Autumn Meeting was at Paisley always known as the Bushes but rechristened that day by Carol as The Beaches.For some unknown reason the greenkeepers had dumped sand on all the greens but had failed to brush it in. We were allowed to treat it as casual water or switch it aside but were assured by the club Secretary that it would be a counting competition. While some of us struggled a bit it was no bother for one lady. Carol Fell cruised round in 71 nett which was six below the Competition scratch of 77 and won the May Craddock trophy
Golf is a funny old game. If it is your day nothing will stop you.
We did receive an apology from a club official who said they had known for weeks we were coming and were embarrassed that the greenstaff had created this problem.
Our first match this year was against Midlands at Ranfurly Castle. Seven singles and handicaps to be not less than 10 . This is always a most enjoyable day—lots of good chat , a lot of old friends and lots of good keen golf. Once more we had the delightful company of Andy Murray’s Granny who had come along to support Midlands. In spite of fielding an excellent team we were again narrowly beaten 4/3 (same as last year ) So we have still not managed to get our hands on the lovely silver tray which Sheila Shaw donated for this event three years ago---It’s called The Midwest Trophy. -- Over to you Helen. We want to see the Midwest Trophy on the table here next year.

Emma Wilson with Fiona Roger and Helen Faulds
At that Match Emma Wilson - Vice Captain of the Midlands handed out small pink socks to collect money for "Breakthrough Breast Cancer" To date she has collected an amazing £2,700--- Well done Emma .
If any one still has a sock to return please--- email Carol Fell and she will let Emma know.
The second match was the big one----nine singles against the East played this year at Troon — and yet another lovely day.
Handicaps for this match should be under ten which realistically nowadays means under six. The standard is always very high . The East as usual came over with an extremely impressive group even bringing down a lady all the way from Aberdeen Although we had a excellent team a couple of our stalwarts were unavailable. The girls however fought like tigers but in the end we lost 6/3 and the East retained the Elise Duncan Trophy. .
The final match was the foursomes East versus West at Gullane .Five pairs handicaps 10 and over.In the absence of Vice Captain Helen, Fiona Roger captained the team that day. I’m glad to say we seem to have this one cracked and we retained the ASP trophy for the 4th year running. And here it is with it’s Latin inscription meaning “ Friendship Always Is The Prize “ and is’nt this just what these matches are all about.
I’d like to thank all the ladies who played in the teams this year, made the journeys and gave hundred per cent every time.
CHAMPIONSHIPS played as usual over two days at Renfrew and the weather was magnificent. I remember all the players lashing on the suncream before they went out on the course. At the end of the day it all boiled down to a final between Alex Glennie (Barassie) and May Hughes (Lanark) two of our very newest Vets and that proved to be a most exciting match ---a great exhibition. After much ebbing and flowing May sank a long putt at the 20th hole to win the Championship.
Moira McCartney (Milngavie) retained the Bronze Salver by beating Avril Berry (Douglas Park)
Congratulations to the winners and also to everyone who qualified for the finals. And many thanks to the caddies and all the ladies who came along to watch the matches. This is always so much appreciated by the players. If you can spare the time next year do come along and walk a few holes with the finalists.
We are very grateful to all the clubs who give us the courtesy of their courses
and the use of their clubhouses. And also to Cowglen for once more allowing us to use their lounge for our AGM.
BLAIRGOWRIE Unfortunately I was not able to be at Blairgowrie this year but I hear that the weather was gorgeous Everyone had a great time and nobody from the West won a prize. Perhaps the Apres Golf got in the way.
Helen went along on the Monday and represented us at the Scottish AGM who will tell us later about the event
If anyone is interested in going to Blairgowrie entry forms can be obtained from Sheila from early March Enter with a partner.Each of the eight divisions is allocated so many places.and if our quota of places is oversubscribed there will be a ballot at the Spring Meeting.
At this point I’d just like to say well done to all of our Vets who went off and played in some of the big outside Seniors competitions in Spain ,Portugal , Scotland and Ireland. Helen, Jennifer Mack, Janice Paterson, Carol Fell, Fiona Roger, Alex Glennie and Anna Telfer . Forgive me if I’ve missed someone out.These are big tough events and our players have to compete with excellent international competitors. So congratulations to all of you .
IRISH MATCH AND THE JAMBOREE Helen represented Scotland in both these events
Thank you again Helen and congratulations to both yourself and also May Hughes for making the teams.
Helen then read out her 2 reports :
Scottish Vet’s v Irish Vet’s ---April 20th and 21st 2008
Scotland retained the Mary MacKenna Perpetual Trophy by a 61/2 – 51/2 margin in an extremely close and exciting finish to the annual 2 day match at St Margarets Golf Club,Dublin
The opening day of the fourballs produced a 2—2 scoreline and set the stage for the 2nd day of 8 singles which would decide if the trophy stayed in Ireland or returned with the Scots.
The weather I may say throughout the match was as cold, as windy and wet as I have played in.
The Irish went ahead early in all the matches but the Scots fought back and 5 of the 8 matches went to the 18th green
Kathleen Sutherland beat Mary MacKenna
Margaret Tough birdied the last 2 holes to square her match.
Pam Williamson won 2 & 1.
Fiona de Vries won on the 18th
Fiona Hunter finished all square
Lorna Bennet had a square match
Somebody called Helen Faulds lost.
As did Heather Anderson
Very close -61/2 – 51/2
Thanks to Lynne Terry and Sheena Hay for all their support and to the Irish for their hospitality.
Vet’s Jamboree at Southerness G C 12th-14th August 2008.
The Scotland team for the vet’s jamboree against England North, England Midlands and England South was
Heather Anderson (Northern)
Lorna Bennet (Midlands)
Fiona de Vries (Midlands)
Helen Faulds (West)
Fiona Hunter (East)
Kathleen Sutherland (Northern)
Margaret Tough (Midlands)
Pamela Williamson (East)
The practice round at Southerness was played in the most atrocious weather and in fact at one point we couldn’t stand up far less swing a club. Was this an omen?
Unfortunately Margaret Tough had to withdraw at the last moment through injury and her place was taken by May Hughes (West)
We played England South on the first day and although we lost the morning foursome 2-1 the singles in the afternoon were won 5-1.
Off to a good start
The weather at this point was ok-- not good but not too bad
England Midlands beat England North 6-3
Day 2 Scotland made it 2 wins out of 2 by defeating England Midlands by a very decisive 8-1
The morning foursomes where I partnered Kathleen Sutherland, were all won by Scotland and in the afternoon where May played in the singles Scotland only lost 1 match ( and no it wasn’t May)
England North defeated England South by 61/2 – 21/2
And so to the third and final day. Well if we thought the practice day was bad this was unbelievable. Driving to the course from our hotel meant going through huge amounts of water on the roads and so ---very unfortunately the match was abandoned.
Scotland therefore had won the Miller Stirling Trophy by virtue of being the only team with 2 wins. England North were 2nd, England Midlands 3rd and England South 4th. Never the ideal way to win a Championship but the course was totally unplayable.
Thanks go to everyone at Southerness for making us so welcome. Jean Lambert the SVLGA secretary who is Lady captain of Southerness did a huge amount of work both before and during the competition. As did Dawn Moore who had been president of the Scottish Vets the year before and is also a member of Southerness.
Every player left with a goody bag which included a knitted doll (every single one was dressed differently and had been knitted by a local lady who had spent the past 2 years knitting them. Exhibit 1
We also were given a miniature of whisky with the club label. I would like to show you that as exhibit 2 but it has miraculously disappeared.
Thanks also to Lynne Terry our Captain for all her hard work and organisation and to Sheana Hay our President who was a tremendous support both on and off the course.
Next years competition will take place at Bath Golf Club 3rd-6th July
Some time ago one of our members suggested that we should have a little Competition within our main events for Vets who are over seventy.
Never mind they say seventy is the new sixty or even less Quite a lot of golf clubs do acknowledge the older age group in this way in certain competitions.
We have tried this for the past year or two and everyone has been very sporting about it and gamely stuck the gold stars on to their cards . Up till now the Super Vet winner has been given one solitary golf ball for her efforts Wow!! I felt that this could be a bit more exciting. So I am presenting the Vets with three little Quaichs , which will go to the best nett score by a Super Vet at the Spring, Summer and Autumn Meetings.These will be competed for each year and I hope everyone will enjoy having another little incentive to play their best .
Before we come to the Election of Office Bearers I would like to say how much I have appreciated all the assistance given to me by the Committee . They have been absolutely super. Always helpful willing and cheerful and extremely good at whatever they were asked to do -- So a big thank you to Helen, Sheila ,Lilias, Jennifer ,Sheila Shaw, Moira and a special pat on the back for Sara Scott who has dealt so efficiently with the sweaters. She now knows all your vital measurements. Sara now retires from the committee by rotation It was a great pleasure to have you all in the team.
Once more we would all like to thank Carol Fell for being our webmaster and keeping the website up to date with all the relevant news ,events and results. Hope you all tested your reflexes with her Halloween game . I don’t think I was in the top scoring league there. It was a bit like my golf.
The website address is found on the West of Scotland Website at and then go through the link there for the WestVets. Alternatively you can get the West Vets link through your own county website . For those who want the direct web address --- it is
I would like to thank you all for supporting the Vets and also for the kindness and friendship which has been shown to me during the past two years.
Having wrapped up 2008 it’s time for me to hand over to Helen . What an excellent lady we are going to have as Captain for the next two years. What can I say about Helen.
First she is a very busy lady. Believe me she has twice the number of hours in her day than I have.
If she’s not dashing off to a French class , heading for a curling match about to drive through to Elie ,she is probably heading for the gym. And I haven’t started on the golf. Helen needs no introduction to you regarding her golfing prowess. She has won many Club Championships at her various clubs .She has represented Scotland in Seniors and Vets events at home and overseas. From our point of view of course her most important achievement was to win our own West Vets Championship three years in a row .
But Helen has not just taken from the world of golf she has also given a lot back having been Captain of Douglas Park and also of Bearsden and County Captain of Dumbarton and Argyll .
In spite of all this activity Helen is never too busy to talk things over then quietly and efficiently attend to any task required . Consequently she has been an excellent Vice Captain. I have enjoyed her company enormously and appreciated her assistance. I know the Vets will be in very safe hands with Helen at the helm I’m now going to hand over the Captain’s Brooch and it goes with every good wish for the next two years.
The new West Vets Captain Helen replied:
Thank you Pat I can hardly believe how quickly the past 2 years have gone and here I am standing on the threshold. I am very honoured to be following in the path of many illustrious captains of the West Vets . I just hope I can maintain the high standards set by my predecessors.
I should like to take this opportunity on behalf of all the members of the West Vets to thank Pat for being a very gracious and an extremely efficient Captain for the last 2 years.
Pat has worked really hard for our association and I for one am extremely glad that she will remain on committee for another year, just to keep me right.
I hope you have enjoyed your 2 years in charge.
A beautiful bouquet of flowers was then presented to Pat by May Hughes
Helen then gave her Blairgowrie Report
Alyhough I didn’t play at Blairgowrie this year I did go to the AGM and prizegiving on the Monday night.
Sheena Hay the Scottish Vets President paid tribute to Toni Moffat who had given so much time and energy to the Vets association. She would be sadly missed.
Each region had contributed money and 2 Toni Moffat memorial quaichs had been purchased to be played for at Blairgowrie.
Lynne Terry the Scottish Vets Captain gave her reports covering the vets matches against Ireland and England.
She announced that next year’s matches would be at Cruden Bay (Irish) and the inter area against the English would be held at Bath G C from 3rd – 6th Aug 2009.
The new President was then elected --Isobel McIntosh (Highland) and Vice President Jean Thomas (Borders).
Under AOB Lynne Terry proposed a system to seed the Qualifiers from each region who contest the championship at Blairgowrie.
This was an attempt to try and seed the traditionally stronger areas and hopefully keep them apart in the first round. However the meeting was almost totally against it and the proposal was rejected.
Unfortunately this was not a good year for the west vets as we didn’t pick up any prizes. The East dominated the prizewinners.
May Hughes, our West champion, lost to Fiona de Vries (Midlands) who went on to win the final and become Scottish Vets champion.
After the Blairgowrie report Helen continued:
There is a saying that if you want something done then ask a busy person and in asking Fiona Roger to be Vice Captain that is exactly what I did. I am delighted she said yes and as someone who has been involved with the Vets for some years I know she will be a great asset to our association.
Fiona as most of you will know plays golf at Ranfurly Castle and Troon and Boat of Garten. She also finds time to curl and play tennis and bridge (not at the same time obviously) and she has also taken on the job of Greenlees Secy Throw in 3 grandchildren and you can see what I mean about a busy person.!!!
Thank you Fiona for accepting. I look forward to working with you
As to the rest of the committee, Sheila Shaw, I am very pleased to say, has agreed to be our new Treasurer and Sheila Goudie, I’m also pleased to say, is remaining as Secretary.
Moira McCartney has 1 more year to serve (sounds like a prison sentence) and so I am delighted to say that Maureen Mitchell (Cathcart Castle), Janice Paterson (Drumpellier) and Moira Cameron (Whitecraigs) have agreed to come on to the committee.
Thank you to you all and I hope you enjoy your time on committee because that’s definitely what the vets are all about – enjoyment.
As you have already heard from Sheila, the Spring Meeting,which is to be held at Sandyhills, is the only one of our 3 competitions that we pre-enter.
Moira McCartney has very kindly agreed to run this competition. Because this is the qualifying round for our championship we do put players out in handicap order so it would be a great help to her if when applying please don’t ask for a particular time unless absolutely necessary. It’s quite a hard job as it is matching handicaps and mixing people from different clubs.
In 2009 only one of our matches will be at home –the foursomes match against the East. All the others are away.
With their being no other busines Helen finished the meeting some amusing golfing laws to think about over the winter----all tried and tested.
She then said ---
I hope that next year will bring us all good health, good golf and good weather.
2008 West Vets Champion - May Hughes
Past Captain Pat then presented the prizes and Champion May Hughes thanked all the committee and Carol Fell for their work during the past year.
Prizewinners 2008:
Spring Meeting - Largs
Scratch: Alex Glennie ( Kilmarnock Barassie) 82
H’cap Silver
1st May Hughes (Carluke) 83-5=78
2nd Janice Paterson (Drumpellier) 85-6= 79 bih
3rd Fiona Roger (Ranfurly Castle) 91-12=79
1st Moira McCartney (Milngavie) 84 nett
2nd Sandra Carruthers (Whitecraigs) 85 nett
Super Vet: Moira McCartney
Summer Meeting - Hilton Park
Scratch:Jennifer Mack (Haggs Castle) 75 - Wins the Heather Anderson Trophy for best Scratch
H’cap Silver
1st Ina McVicar (Milngavie) 82-14=68
2nd Anita McMillan (Erskine) 87-18=69
3rd K McColl (Milngavie) 88-18=70
1st:Christine Richmond (Erskine) 70 nett
2nd : Agnes Robertson (Erskine) 75 nett
Super Vet Ina McVicar
Autumn Meeting - Paisley
Scratch: Anna Telfer (Milngavie) 81
Hcap Silver ;
1st Carol Fell (Ranfurly Castle)82-11=71
Wins the May Craddock Trophy for the baest nett score
2nd Janette Stewart (Kilmarnock Barassie) 93-20=73
3rd Jess blackwood (Kilmarnock Barassie) 90-15=75
1st Mary Irving (Ranfurly Castle) 77nett
2nd Pat Robertson (Caldwell) 81 nett
Super Vet Moira McCartney
Championship - Played over Renfrew
Bronze Salver Runner up: Avril Berry (Douglas Park)
Winner: Moira McCartney (Milngavie)
West Vets Championship: Runner up Alex Glennie (Barassie)
Champion 2008 May Hughes (Lanark)