Your "Blogger" Carol Fell is delighted to announce that under the Captaincy of May Hughes West Vets have set up a new website starting this year -- 2022. All previous posts from this blog will not be lost and news can still be found going back to 2006.
The link to any past news will be found under links at www.svlgawest.co.uk.
As Captain May says "Presently the new website is work in progress and will provide more information as the season progresses".
I would like to thank all past Captains, Secretaries and Members over the past 16 years for their contribution to the posts, however small or large to help keep the West Vets Members up to date with News, Photographs, Competition Entries, Results and more.
I wish everyone a successful and enjoyable golfing future -- and as I often say -- ENJOY YOURSELF WHILE YOU ARE YOUNG !!
Carol Fell (Retired)
Competition Booking -- Click on the HowDidIdo icon below, sign in and click on booking